Nothing much is different, except the fact that we are bewildered by the weather. I never thought that 53 degrees would be cold, but it is when you live in the desert. We did happen to have a once-in-30-years snow storm, which was more than a little interesting.
Life's been a bit busy! At work, Megan's life has become increasingly hectic, as summer orientation season is approaching. Michael is working with FontaineBleau in both Las Vegas and Miami to be sure all of the technology is working smoothly in both locations. The Las Vegas resort is opening in October, so it'll be busy up to and after opening! After figuring out that Michael's work schedule with FB opening will be crazy, we're not sure if we are going to make it back to Illinois for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, which is disappointing. At this point, we won't even be able to take an "official" vacation at all until next February - but perhaps a weekend camping trip to the Grand Canyon may be in the works (as of an hour ago, lol).
We're excited to have some visitors coming to the Las Vegas area soon - Chad and Amy are coming in April, and aunts, uncles, and cousins are coming in June! Yay!
In other news, Megan is considering auditioning for the producation of West Side Story by the Super Summer Theater. Auditions are in March, and the production (13 shows) is in July. Who knows what will happen, but it'll probably be fun! :)