Thursday, August 6, 2009


Can I just share how difficult it is to believe that it is August, and that Michael and I have been here over a year. Time seriously flies!!

There are lots of things going on in our lives - it's always interesting!! :) We moved into a new apartment in late June and we are pretty much in love with it. It's a longer drive to work, but who cares. It's in a quieter spot in the city, which is nice, and reminds me of the midwest a little bit - but only a little bit.

We also have a new addition to the family - Ms. Roxie Hullinger became a part of our family on July 7 and we LOVE her!! She is a 3 year old half Chiahuha and half Jack Russell Terrier, so she's lovable and hyper all at the same time. She reminds me a lot of the dog I grew up with, so it's fun and sad all at the same time.

Roxie is really well behaved, but she LOVES to bark her head off at other dogs. It's like she thinks she can beat them up or something - which is definately not the case! We'll continue to update everyone on the adventures of Roxie - and include some pictures soon! :)

Happy HOT August!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things To Stop Caring About (by Megan Hullinger)

Why is it that I have all these awesome ideas about blogging, and when I sit down, I have no thoughts left? Irritating.

Have you ever had those days where you stop caring about certain things in your life? Like, those stupid OxyClean commercials where the guy is yelling at you to use the product? Sir, I don't care if it gets mustard out of the clothes, quit freaking yelling at me. So, here are my list of things that I have stopped caring about in my life:

1. I don't care that I wake up with one word and one song that keeps running through my head. This morning? Word = torso. Song = Lamb Chops Playalong Theme/This is the song that never ends. A couple of days ago, Word = Popsicle. Song = The Hills are Alive. WHAT is happening to my BRAIN? Who cares, I don't.

2. I don't care that the Obama's are getting a dog. WHAT? This is what we talk about? I also don't care what Michelle is wearing, how much the girls love Miley Cirus and the Jonas Brothers, or how the White House is being redecorated. Stop talking about it.

3. I don't care if I never hear George Bush's name again. That sentiment also includes Carl Rove, Dick Cheney, and that Rice woman. Hell, it includes Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Harry Reid, Gov. Gibbons, Gov. Blowjob-ovich, Kennedy, and even President Obama. You're all full of hot air anyway, just do your damn jobs and quit pointing fingers, it's annoying.

4. I don't care about anything that Fox News reports on. O'Reilly makes me sick.

5. I don't care that people are all pissed off about Miss California. She has her opinion. Perez Hilton has his opinion. I have my opinion. MOVE ON.

6. I don't care that Sprint now has the first 4G network. What does that even mean?

7. I don't care that Jay Leno is leaving the Tonight Show. 11:30 is too late for me, kids - I'm old.

8. I don't care that the actors are working without a contract. Really? You need a contract to earn millions? Whatever. Lots of people work without a contract and are getting shit pay and pink slips. Get over yourselves, you are NOT that important, and NOT that influential. Quit acting like you are.

9. I don't care about the newest toys from Apple (sorry, Michael).

10. I don't care who you are, if you get a DUI, you lose your license. End. Of. Story.

11. I don't care what ingredients are in it - I'm going to get a pizza if I want to.

12. I don't care if you hate Twilight, I love it, so get over it.

13. I don't care if my apartment isn't 100% clean right now. That's a big step for me.

14. I don't care if ANYONE gets bailed out any more. Screw those guys, let the stock market correct itself, we'll be fine, even if we are all living in boxes. That's what happens when our country gets greedy.

15. I don't care what TMobile is selling, but damn are their commercials funny.

I DO care that the weekend is only 2 days away. Happy Wednesday :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Sorry, we took a brief hiatus from the rigors of typing a brief blog. It's stressful! :)

Nothing much is different, except the fact that we are bewildered by the weather. I never thought that 53 degrees would be cold, but it is when you live in the desert. We did happen to have a once-in-30-years snow storm, which was more than a little interesting.

Life's been a bit busy! At work, Megan's life has become increasingly hectic, as summer orientation season is approaching. Michael is working with FontaineBleau in both Las Vegas and Miami to be sure all of the technology is working smoothly in both locations. The Las Vegas resort is opening in October, so it'll be busy up to and after opening! After figuring out that Michael's work schedule with FB opening will be crazy, we're not sure if we are going to make it back to Illinois for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, which is disappointing. At this point, we won't even be able to take an "official" vacation at all until next February - but perhaps a weekend camping trip to the Grand Canyon may be in the works (as of an hour ago, lol).

We're excited to have some visitors coming to the Las Vegas area soon - Chad and Amy are coming in April, and aunts, uncles, and cousins are coming in June! Yay!

In other news, Megan is considering auditioning for the producation of West Side Story by the Super Summer Theater. Auditions are in March, and the production (13 shows) is in July. Who knows what will happen, but it'll probably be fun! :)